The Rush before Christmas.

The shops have been displaying Christmas since September and all of a sudden it’s next week.
No, I’m not ready at all. Time is running short and I feel like running in the other direction from all the rushing around that we seem to end up doing at this time of year. I’m visiting family in Derbyshire later in the week and hear snow might be on the way. Mind you, that does mean my sledge will be making an appearance.
I long for an old fashioned Christmas where simple presents are made and given to friends and family. To this end, we made pickles and chutneys last year and gave them in a hamper to our family. I wrote a poem to go with them and asked for feed back. The response was so touching that we decided to do it again this year.
This time we have used home grown sweetcorn that my Daughter grew and have made pickled eggs from our chickens. So next year I plan to use the red onions to make red onion and chilli marmalade.
I will share some of these recipes with you.
Escaping to the garden is a great tonic to escaping the stress of Christmas. Even if it’s with a cup of tea and just have a walk round the garden to see what’s happening. Bulbs will be coming up and snow drops starting to make a show.
I think it calms the mind and helps you to take stock of what your priorities are. You might also find some greenery to make a table decoration. I use some ivy, holly and a candle in the middle of an oasis ring. A couple of red roses and even a Clementine or three will make a pretty impressive arrangement for Christmas Day.
Anyway back to this snow that’s coming! I want to put the other cloche on my raised bed to help protect the cabbages and broad beans from the snow. They are looking so lovely I don’t want them to get damaged. The frame will be snug and warm and I have my tea lights at the ready just in case it really does happen. Then it will be off to the hills around Crick and some sledging and après sledge – Gluhwein!